Sep 18, 2023 _ news
GBBN Recognized with Three AIA Ohio Awards
Three GBBN projects have been recognized with awards for design excellence from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Ohio. At the 2023 awards ceremony, held this month in Columbus, Ohio, our Federal House project at Penn State Behrend received an honor award. Our Willkommen multi-family housing project and our interior fit out of Digital Futures at the University of Cincinnati both earned merit awards. We’re thrilled to be the only firm to receive three citations, and equally proud of the feedback our work received from the jury:
For Federal House at Penn State Behrend, the jury appreciated the multiple outdoor spaces, sensitive site design, and thoughtful use of material resources to create “a masterful study of modern expression respecting historic forms.”
“This project does it all,” the jury said of Willkommen, “it is well crafted, pushes the boundaries of the type, and makes the argument for increased height and density.”
“An ambitious and well-executed workplace that provides healthy space for its users,” our work on the interior fit out of University of Cincinnati’s Digital Futures caught the jury’s attention thanks to “sophisticated compositions, edited and effective use of materials and colors, integrating the businesses’ technology, and achieving a high level of design for wellness.”
In addition to our projects being recognized, GBBN Principal, Angela Mazzi FAIA, FACHA, EDAC received an AIA Ohio Charles J. Marr Award recognition of her exemplary commitment to the architecture profession and financial support for student scholarships at Ohio’s four architecture schools.
Many thanks to the jury for recognizing our work this year!
See more of our work in higher education here.
Learn more about our residential work here.